Traditional Buul construction in urban areas

Traditional Buul construction in urban areas

Hargeisa - household posessions, ready to evacuate floods

Hargeisa - household posessions, ready to evacuate floods

Hargeisa - Ayaha II returnees community construction

Hargeisa - Ayaha II returnees community construction

Hargeisa - Ayaha II returnee settlement

Hargeisa - Ayaha II returnee settlement

Fragile states and post conflict peace building (Keith Sargent)

Over the last ten years Keith Sargent has been increasingly involved in the post-conflict reconstruction of fragile states. This has led him to undertake research at the Desmond Tutu Centre for War and Peace Studies. Here he describes some of the issues that he has been confronting.

Tuy, Carracas, Venezuela

Tuy, Carracas, Venezuela

Ulan Battar

Ulan Battar

HCMC flood photo

HCMC flood photo

Maps of HCMC

Maps of HCMC

JBeall Afghan recent news photo2

JBeall Afghan recent news photo2

JBeall Afghan recent news photo1

JBeall Afghan recent news photo1

Urban Livelihoods in Afghanistan (Jo Beall)

Two major studies led by Jo Beall for the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU)1 were among the first to highlight the unprecedented and largely unplanned urbanisation that now characterises the country, as well as the realities of urban poverty and vulnerability for growing numbers of Afghans. Together the reports draw on two years of research conducted in Kabul, Heart, Jalalabad, Mazar-i-Sharif and Pul-i-Khumri, with the second study tracking the life paths of poor urban households over an entire year.

Diana Mitlin (new)

Diana Mitlin (new)

Edesio Fernandes

Edesio Fernandes

Economic management training for North Korea (Keith Sargent)

In late May 2006, Keith Sargent was commissioned by the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) to advise on the economic management training requirements for government officials and academia in North Korea. This brief note highlights the achievements, frustrations and ultimate demise of an initiative that aimed to address a few of the real development needs of North Korea and transcend the rhetoric of the Six Party Talks.

Regional planning in Vietnam (Adrian Atkinson)

In April-May 2007, Adrian Atkinson was commissioned directly by the Ministry of Construction to work with the Southern Sub-Institute for Urban and Rural Planning on a kind of mid-term evaluation of the draft plan for Ho Chi Minh City and six surrounding provinces and to recommend adjustments in methodology or content that I felt could improve the plan. The input was two months long.

Louis Wassenhoven (new)

Louis Wassenhoven (new)

Peter Townroe (new)

Peter Townroe (new)

Anna Soave (colour)

Anna Soave (colour)

Nadia Taher (new)

Nadia Taher (new)

Katja Schäfer (new)

Katja Schäfer (new)

Babar Mumtaz (new)

Babar Mumtaz (new)

Jo Beall (new)

Jo Beall (new)

Patrick Wakely (new)

Patrick Wakely (new)

Caroline Moser

Caroline Moser

John FC Turner

John FC Turner

Jo Beall

Jo Beall

Desmond McNeill

Desmond McNeill

Afghanistan urban capacity building strategy (Patrick Wakely)

In March 2007, Patrick Wakely undertook a consultancy for UN-Habitat to advise on building the capacity of the Ministry of Urban Development to Build the Capacity of municipalities in Afghanistan.

Peter Townroe

Peter Townroe