Patrick WAKELY

Urban governance and management; the formulation and management of low income housing policies and programmes with emphasis on community-based participatory processes; institutional and organisational capacity building and professional training for urban development and management.
English (mother tongue), Spanish (basic)
Educational and professional qualifications:
1963 AA Diploma
1963 AA Certificate in Tropical Studies
1964 Royal Institute of British Architects
1977 Member, Sociedad Interamericana de Planificación


Professor Emeritus of Urban Development, University of London
Vice Dean, Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London;
Chairman and Director of the Bartlett School of Development and Planning (BSDP)
Director, Development Planning Unit, University College London
Professor of Urban Development, University of London
Reader in Development Planning, University of London
Senior Lecturer, Development Planning Unit, University College London
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Estate Management, Oxford Polytechnic
United Nations Education and Training Adviser, Sri Lanka Urban Development Authority
Profesor, Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Senior Lecturer and Director of Extension Service Development Planning Unit, UCL
Deputy Head, Dept of Development and Tropical Studies, Architectural Association, London
Lecturer, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.

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Sri Lanka. Advisor to the Minster for Urban Development and Water Supply on the development of a National Human Settlements Reconstruction Policy following the December 2004 tsunami. (UN-Habitat)
Sri Lanka. Advisor to the Minister of Housing and Construction Industry on the development of a framework for a National Housing Policy. (UN-Habitat)
Southern Sudan. Team Leader for Southern Sudan Urban Study to assess the absorptive capacity of urban areas following the signing of the CPA and the design of a National Urban Development Framework. (UNDP)
South Africa. Advisor to Ibis (Danish NGDO) Southern Africa Regional Programme with emphasis on support to the Coalition of the Urban Poor (emerging social movement).
International. Evaluation and forward looking assessment of the UNDP/UN-Habitat Urban Management Programme (UMP).
Cambodia. Team leader for ADB study of Integrated Urban Social Service Provision for the Urban Poor in Cambodia. (ADB)
International. Leader of the DPU team commissioned to undertake the first Independent Evaluation of the Cities Alliance. (Cities Alliance)
International. Co-ordinator of the research and drafting of the UN-Habitat Global Report on Human Settlements 2003. (UN-Habitat)
Ghana. Retained by Ibis-Denmark to monitor and evaluate the DANIDA-funded Public Participation in Local Governance programme that supports the interface between the decentralised District/Municipal Assembly structure and civil society organisations. (Ibis)
UK. Director of the DPU research and editorial team that produced "Sustainable Urbanisation: Bridging the Green and Brown Agendas (DFID)
Cambodia. Institutional development advisor to the UNDP/UNCHS/DFID Phnom Penh Urban Poverty Reduction Programme, responsible for advising on governance and management structures (UNDP/UNCHS)
Sri Lanka. Team Leader of a project formulation mission for UNCHS (Habitat) and Japan Bank for International Co-operation (JBIC) for the development of a strategy and implementation plan for local environmental management
Ghana. Consultant to Ibis-Denmark to undertake the identification and appraisal of a sustained (5 year) project in Ghana for support to the development of local government and civil society co-operation in urban management and administration.
Tanzania. Consultant to the Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government on the implementation of the national Sustainable Cities Programme and the development of a training programme for it.
Palestine. Advisor to the DANIDA Support to Municipal Development and Management in the Gaza Middle Area. India. Director and Principal Researcher of a two-year DFID research project on Community Learning, Information and Communication (CLIC)
EC. Co-Director of a joint project (DPU and IHS Rotterdam) to develop an Urban Development Co-operation Policy for the European Commission and Guidelines for its implementation.
Indonesia. Consultant to UNDP/UNCHSon mid-term evaluation of the Implementation for Enabling Strategy for Shelter Development. Asia. Team leader for the Terminal Evaluation of the Urban Management Programme for Asia and the Pacific.
Palestine (Gaza). Consultant to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA) to appraise and prepare a capital aid and technical co-operation programme for Support to Municipal Development and Management.
Namibia. Consultant to Ibis (WUS-Denmark) to evaluate the Ibis Urban programme in Namibia and to prepare a Programme Document for the period 1997-2000.
Thailand. Adviser to the ESCAP brainstorming meetings (3) on the Future of Housing Policies in Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
India. Consultant to Maharashtra housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) to establish a Professional Development Centre to provide specialist training (ODA)
Yemen. Consultant to prepare a national training needs assessment and national training strategy for urban development and environmental management (GTZ)
Namibia. Consultant to Government of Namibia to advise on and monitor the Oshakati Settlement Upgrading Project and National Housing Programme (DANIDA). Egypt. Moderator of Regional Policy Seminar on the Training of Trainers in Urban Finance and Management for Arab States (UNCHS/World Bank).
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Kenya, Uganda. Leader of DPU team to evaluate Government of Finland/UNCHS Support Programme for Preparing National Shelter Strategies (FINNIDA).
Ghana. Consultant to the Ministry of Works and Housing Policy for a Non-Conventional Housing Strategy study (UNDP/UNCHS).
Jamaica, India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, Ghana, Solomon Islands, South Pacific, Colombia, India, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Sri Lanka.

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Delegations and Committee Memberships:

  • Member of the Board of Directors of Global Urban Development (2007-08)

  • Ove Arup Foundation Fellow and Visiting Professor in the University of Cape Town (2006-07)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the United Nations Human Settlements Research Network (2004-07).
  • Member of the UK Delegation to the UN Global Urban Forum, Nairobi, Kenya (2002).
  • Member of the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Human Settlements (UNGASS Istanbul + 5) (2001).
  • Member of the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations Commission on Human Settlements (1991, 1993, 1997, 1999).
  • Member of the UK Delegation to the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), Istanbul 1996.
  • Member of the Management Committee and of the United Kingdom National Council for Habitat II (UN Conference on Human Settlements - "The City Summit" - Istanbul 1996).
  • Member of Board of Directors of Homeless International (a company limited by guarantee and registered charity) 1988-97.

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